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2024 Practice Schedule

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Swim Team
Practices will be the same time and format as in previous years and are detailed on the practice schedule tab.  We will continue to offer the afternoon swim team practice to accommodate those swimmers in summer school or with conflicting morning activities. Please note – this is not a substitute practice for the morning practices and can only be used by those with schedule conflicts. 


Tuesday, May 28​th

  • Dive Team - 3:30 to 4:30 (the shallow end will remain open for open swim)

  • Swim Team - 4:30 to 5:30 (10 and under) and 5:30 to 6:30 (11 and older)

  • Open Swim - 12:30 to 3:30 and 6:30 to 8:30. (Pool open to club members)

Wednesday, May 29​​th

  • Dive Team - 3:30 to 4:30 (the shallow end will remain open for open swim)

  • Swim Team - 4:30 to 5:30 (10 and under) and 5:30 to 6:30 (11 and older)

  • Open Swim - 12:30 to 3:30 and 6:30 to 8:30. (Pool open to club members)

Thursday, May 30th

  • Water Polo - Follow normal schedule

  • Swim Team - Follow normal schedule

  • Open Swim - 12:30 to 8:30. (Pool Open to club members)

Friday, May 31st

  • Dive Team - Follow normal schedule

  • Swim Team - Follow normal schedule

  • Open Swim - 12:30 to 8:30. (Pool open to club members)



Dates: Thursday May 30th – Tuesday, July 16th

Time: 9-12 yrs old                                    7:45-9:00 am

          8 & Under & 13-15 yrs old              9:00-10:15 am

Afternoon practices will be on Monday and Wednesday for kids in Summer School or morning sports.

10 & Under     4:30 – 5:15 pm

11 & Over       5:15 – 6:00 pm


Swim Clinic

Swim Clinic is the feeder program for the Farmington Swim Team.  Swim clinic offers a non-competitive swim option emphasizing stroke technique for our younger swimmers who may not be quite ready to be on the swim team.  Our coaching staff and lifeguards teach swim Clinic.  Swim Clinic participants must be able to freestyle/front crawl 25 yards (one length of the pool) and must be comfortable in the deep end of the pool.  Swim Clinic members are not expected to swim meets but are welcome to do so.  Please notify Coach Jamie if your clinic participant wants to swim at a meet.  All clinic swimmers will receive a Team t-shirt.


Days: Monday – Friday   

Dates: Monday, June 3rd – Friday, July 26th

Time: 10:15 - 11:00 am All ages


Swim Lessons (minimum age 3yrs)

Swim lessons will be coordinated by Coach Jamie and will be taught using the American Red Cross guidelines.  Each child will be evaluated on the first class in the session and assigned to a group according to skill level.

Lessons will be offered in week long blocks and be held daily.  Children can sign up for whichever weeks work with their family schedules and attend as many lessons during the week as they choose.  Daily repetition has been shown to improve the learning process.  Classes will be taught in a progressive format and we encourage all children to take advantage of as many days as possible.


Days: Monday – Friday   

Dates: Monday, June 3rd – Friday, July 26th

Time: 11:00 - 11:30 am All ages


Post Season Stroke Clinic for Swim Team

The post season stroke clinic continues to be a success and is open to all members up to age 15.  Coach Jamie will again be running a post season clinic that emphasizes stoke technique.  It will run daily Monday-Friday in week long increments during the weeks of July 22nd and July 29th.  Members can sign up for either of the weeks or both (pricing is per week).  


Practice times will be a little later in the morning so the kids can sleep in a little bit but still gets them up and moving before lunchtime.  The stroke clinic will be open to all age groups and we will end the two-week long session with some sort of fun event.  We will again break up the groups by age:


            10 & under      8:30 – 9:45 am

            11 & over        9:45 – 11:00 am


Pricing: $30 a week



Our diving team consists of both new and experienced divers looking to improve their diving skills and challenge themselves by learning new dives.  Ages range from 5-15 years old and abilities from the novice diver learning a front jump to the more experienced diver doing twisting somersaults.  If your child likes to go off the board and learn new ‘tricks’, be sure to sign them up for the diving team!  Practice times are detailed in the practice schedule tab.  Diving practice groups will be determined by the coach based upon age and ability of each diver.


Days: Monday – Friday 

Dates: Tuesday, May 28th - Friday, May 31st

  • 3:45- 4:30 Dive T/TH only


Dates: Monday, June 3rd – Monday, July 15th

Time: Divers will be assigned a practice group based on age and ability.


Practice times:

                        Monday - Friday         10:15 - 11:00 am and 11:00 - 11:45 am



Water Polo

The team will continue to be co-ed but will be limited to those ages 9 (having finished 3rd grade) to 15 years old (still 15 by July 1). There will be one practice time for all ages but players will be broken up into groups by age.  Games are held on Monday evenings, last about 1 hour and are played at the same pools as the swim/dive meets.



Dates: Monday, June 3rd - Monday, July 15th

Practice times: 11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Time:  Games Monday evening, 7:00 - 8:00 pm



Free Trial Offer

We will continue to offer the free trial.  How does it work?  If you are new to Farmington and/or are not sure if the Swim Team, Dive Team or Water Polo Team is right for your children, attend practices for the first week of the season.  Then decide if you want to join the team. 


The free trial will run Monday June 3rd – Friday, June 7th for swim team, dive team and water polo.  You can register for the FREE TRIAL at Registration Day.  Please use the Aquatic Activity Sign-Up Form to sign up for this trial offer.


Adult Lap Swim

Swimming is a great total body workout for the young/old and is not hard on those joints.  A separate lane can be put in on Tuesday and Thursdays from 11:30-12:30 for anyone interested in swimming laps.  Please let one of the lifeguards know you would like to swim laps and they will quickly put in a lane line


Team Suits







Farmington's Aquatic & Tennis programs are offered for Farmington Bath & Tennis Members.  Membership must be a Family membership.  Individual memberships under 18 is not applicable.  If your not a member, please click here to email us for more information about joining Farmington.

Pool Hours : Open from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend
  • Weekends  - Open swim 11:00 am to 8:30 pm

  • Weekdays  - Open swim 12:30 pm to 8:30 pm 


20963 W Long Grove Rd

Kildeer, IL 60047

Mailling Address:

PO Box 445 
Lake Zurich, IL 60047


Tennis Hours (Memorial Day to Labor Day)

Mon-Sun  7:00 am - 8:30 pm


Contact Us  



Best way to reach us is through email for any questions.

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