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Welcome to another great season at Farmington!


Please take a moment to become familiar with the general club, pool and tennis court rules and review them with your children.


FBTC Club Rules


  1. All guest(s) must be signed in.  It is the responsibility of each member to sign in both their pool and tennis guests.  The guards will be at a table outside the pool to sign in guests. 

  2. No member family may have more than 9 guests at one time unless arrangements have been made with the Pool Manager for a party. No one may be a guest of the club more than 4 times during the year.

  3. Guest fees are $5.00 per person per day of use of all club facilities including tennis courts, swimming pool, basketball courts, volleyball courts and general club facility use. This is regardless of where a guest may live. Member families are responsible for the guest fee regardless of which family member signs in the guest. Exceptions to the guest fee are:

    1. Paid caregivers will not be subject to the guest fee  

    2. Guest caregivers not accompanied by an adult member, visiting for the purpose of supervising children will not be subject to the guest fee.

  4. When the pool is closed entering the pool area or jumping the pool fence is a serious breach of safety and cannot be tolerated. Membership privileges are subject to being revoked for this offense for up to three months on the first offensive. If violations continue the member will be subject permanently losing privileges to the swimming pool.

  5. Dangerous and destructive conduct will not be permitted. The staff has the authority to issue two warnings, and on a third violations, will ask the member(s) to leave the club facilities for 24 hours. Additionally, under age consumption alcoholic or using illegal drugs is not allowed and will not be tolerated on the FBTC grounds or a sponsored FBTC activity. If a violation occurs the member is subject to losing club privileges for as long as deemed appropriate by the board.

  6. Damages to the club grounds and facilities caused by any member or their guest will be the financial responsibility of the club member.

  7. Parking is to be in the lot only. Roller blades, scooters, skateboards and bicycles are not permitted on the basketball and tennis courts or in the pool area. No pets of any kind will be permitted on the club grounds.  Overnight camp outs at the club need to be approved by the board in advance and at least one adult member must be present at all times during the event.

  8. Smoking of any kind including but not limited to cigarette, e-cigarette, vaping, cigars, and marajuana are not permitted on Farmington property. The Board reserves the rights to pre-approved smoking for Adult only events, designated in a specific area. 


FBTC Pool Rules


  1. All guests must be signed-in. Please remind your children to sign in their guests upon entering the club.

  2. No swimming unless a guard is on duty and during official pool hours. Please see item 4 above

  3. The pool is closed on home swim meet days.

  4. The pool will close when it is 65 degrees or less. We will re-evaluate pool situation every two hours. Please call (847) 438-5353 for updates.

  5. Dangerous conduct will not be permitted in or around the pool. The pool staff has the authority to issue up two warnings and on a third violation, will ask the member(s) to leave the club facilities for 24 hours. Repeated similar conduct and loss of pool usage can be  for as long as the board deems fit.

  6. Street shoes are not permitted on the pool deck.

  7. The use of rafts, snorkeling equipment and balls will be controlled by the pool staff. Children using floating devices will not be permitted to dive off the diving board. Inflatable devices that obstruct the view of a lifeguard will not be allowed.

  8. The baby pool is intended for the use of children, ages 6 years and under only. All children in the baby pool must be under the direct control of a parent or proxy at least 16 years of age.

  9. Tots in diapers are not permitted in either pool without tight fitting plastic pants worn over the diaper. Diapers designed especially for swimming are recommended.

  10. No smoking is permitted in the pool area, including the pool deck.

  11. Food is restricted to the patio area. Beverages are permitted on the pool deck, away from the pool and only in non-glass containers.

  12. All children who have not passed the 'skill test' must be accompanied by a parent or proxy who is at least 16 years of age. To pass skill test, you must be at least 9 years old, be able to swim two lengths of the pool and tread water for one minute, without undue stress.

  13. All children who pass the skill test and are at least 9 years of age will be expected to conduct themselves in a safe, orderly and healthy matter.  Parents or an appointed adult need to be available to pick up children in case of inclement weather.


FBTC Tennis Court Rules


  1. Shirts and tennis shoes must be worn by all players.  No running shoes.

  2. Courts are to be used for tennis only.  NO bicycles, skates, skateboards, baseball, hockey, dogs, or other non-tennis activity.

  3. Youth 16 years of age and under must relinquish courts to adults after 6:00pm weekdays, and all day Saturday, Sunday, and holidays.

  4. Practice boards are not be used if interfering with play or prior to 7:00am.

  5. Courts are available for play except during lessons or other officially posted times.  Leagues, tournaments, or the Pro's schedule will take precedence over other reservations.

  6. Court privileges may be suspended in cases of gross or frequent violations.

  7. All members must register their guests and must accompany their guests while on club grounds.

  8. Members are permitted to make court reservations (in the Guest & Reservation Book) up to two weeks in advance, singles may reserve the court for 1 hour - doubles for 2 hours.

  9. 'Open' or unreserved courts are available to members and their guests on a first-come-first-serve basis.

  10. A reserved court becomes 'open' if the member(s) who reserved it have not shown 5 minutes after their scheduled time.

  11. All players are expected to use the ‘shoe reservoirs’ to clean off their shoe soles after leaving the clay courts.

  12. All players are also expected to broom their own courts and sweep their own lines – either before and/or after playing on the clay.


For Further Information Contact –

Pool Hours : Open from Memorial Day Weekend to Labor Day Weekend
  • Weekends  - Open swim 11:00 am to 8:30 pm

  • Weekdays  - Open swim 12:30 pm to 8:30 pm 


20963 W Long Grove Rd

Kildeer, IL 60047

Mailling Address:

PO Box 445 
Lake Zurich, IL 60047


Tennis Hours (Memorial Day to Labor Day)

Mon-Sun  7:00 am - 8:30 pm


Contact Us  



Best way to reach us is through email for any questions.

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